Dreams about fish – what do they mean? (dream interpretation fish, whale, killer whale, shark, sea creatures)
Interpretation of fish in dreams (whales, sharks). The ocean is often a symbol of a deep layer within our unconscious (in addition, see water as a symbol), which is why fish – and other sea creatures – can be interpreted as an expression of the content that exists within our subconscious.
The species of the fish – and how close to the water’s surface this species live – can tell you something about how deep within the layers of your subconscious the dream originated from, and overall what the fish in your dream is a symbol of.
Most fishes are a part of the human diet and as an extension of that; fishes in dreams are often seen as a symbol of psychic nutrition (in addition, see food).
In many parts of the world, the fish has a direct link to Jesus – as an example; in the U.S.A. it’s not uncommon to see a car with a sticker of a fish plastered onto its rear. A sticker saying, “I believe in Jesus Christ”.
Since the fish has its origins in the deeper layers of our psyche and can at the same time be interpreted as a strong symbol of psychic (spiritual) nutrition, dreams about fish can be seen as signs of renewal or outright rebirth.
When trying to understand your dreams it is important to know that your dreams are… your dreams. As such, you are the best person to figure out the true meaning of your dreams.
However, it is important to learn how to generally approach your dreams. Dream dictionaries like this one are only a supplement, and if you want to fully utilize the potential of your dreams, you should start at a different place.
My online course “Unlock your DREAMlife” gives you a great foundation for understanding (and recalling) your dreams.
If you dream about a fish that appears to be special, as in possessing a special appearance (positive) or perhaps is even glowing, it can be a symbol of the self, the person you are deep inside, and the person you have a chance to become, if you free yourself from the various thoughts and structures hampering you.
I once dreamt a dream about a very colorful and extremely gleaming fish, struggling to breathe as the seawater it was lying in was dirty and contaminated.
To me it was, back then, a symbol of a near extinct musicality and creativity that otherwise were a huge part of me (a part of my sense of self). Today I also see it as a symbol of the near extinct spirituality I felt as well.
If you dream about being eaten by a large fish or a whale it can be a symbol that your life is currently being consumed by your unconscious, that you more or less have given up because your life lacks conscious control. As such you’re very unconscious about your thoughts, conversations and actions.
You could also be going trough a phase where you’re experiencing many depressive thoughts. At the same time it may be necessary for you to experience this, so that you afterwards can be “spit out again” and be reborn.
Similarly to the widespread myth about Jonah and the whale, wherein the whale saves Jonah’s life by swallowing him and when it spits him out again later he’s greeted by a new and better life.)
The species of the fish/sea creature can also tell you something concrete. Sharks and killer whales are typically aggressive predators – and they can be a symbol of strong destructive forces within you.
It can be either something that’s “eating you up” from the inside, or be representative of some very strong and uncontrollable emotions – that for example could be tied to jealousy, envy or unconscious anger – which you direct towards people in your waking life without knowing why.
On the other hand, dolphins are known for their empathy (the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes) and ability to communicate.
Dream dictionaries are a very helpful tool when interpreting dreams. However, generally learning how to approach your dreams, will give you a better foundation for understanding them. My online course “Unlock your DREAMlife” teaches you how to much better utilize – recall and understand – your dreams.
Also read: Why I no longer interpret dreams for free
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NOTE: Interpreting dreams isn’t always easy and if you dream about fish it’ll almost certainly mean something different to you than it does to others dreaming of fish (or other sea creatures). A good way of knowing whether or not a given interpretation of your dream is correct, is if you feel moved by the interpretation, and can feel it in your gut – that you can see it making a lot of sense in your life at the moment.
I had a dream about almost drowning in the ocean with nowhere to go, and once I opened my eyes (in the dream) there was a glowing blue whale just staring at me and swimming around who also ended up helping me reach the surface and later we swam together
I had a dream that I’m underwater, it was blue, clear and beautiful. I saw an Orca whale standing in front of me and saw at a distance a man swinging upward with great speed. In my mind I recognized him as Jesus. I knew I could swim to him to see him but I panicked and woke up.
I had a dream about empty fish I took fish out of a cooler to eat and it was empty fish scales Im also just giving my life back to God and battling a lot in my life right now what could this mean
I dreamt about being in the depths of the ocean, I was first in the dark blue parts swimming with the fishes. Then I came to the dark parts, as in totally dark. I was hesitant to go there at first but I was also curious and was swayed in by the current. At first I saw a creepy underwater creature, more like a shark with sharp teeth. But when I was finally in the darkness of the depths of the ocean, I was calmed and mesmerized by the glowing creatures on the sand. I was not afraid anymore. I just swam around and stayed in the darkness of the water looking at the beautiful glowing species.
I dreamt I was brought so deep in the middle of the ocean where I was surrounded by whales and sharks. I was slightly uncomfortable due to the quantity but more amazed that I could almost feel that I could hear them talk as they traveled in a giant circular wave near me.
I have dreams sporadically about the huge wall of water that I can see from the shoreline and very large whales and orcas swimming about.
Typically they are harmless but the proximity in the dream is unsettling. I have dreamed so often this setting that in the dream I am conscious that I am having a repeat or similar experience and can dictate my actions within the dream
I had a dream that I was in a museum with a huge aquarium tunnel, kind of like the mgm one. It was huge and it had sharks and all sorts of fish, the water was very clear and the lights where like blue. I kept walking and arrived to a sort of museum with Egiptian gerogliphics.
Dear Okar – thank you for your very interesting dream! Unfortunately I have decided to no longer help out her on my website – I simply cannot keep up (currently 400+ uanswered comments). I would however encourage you to take a look at my “Unlock your DREAMlife” self-study online-course. This gives you a great foundation for understanding your dreams (and also recalling them). You can find the course description here: Unlock your DREAMlife. Best regards – Michael
I had a dream of being in a oceanography lab then the water animals that people eat were HUGE and it broke the glass and almost killed everyone.
I dreamed about being in a ocean, the water was green remind me of salt water. I couldn’t see myself in the dream so I don’t know if I was a sea creature but I had to been because I was able to breath under water. I got attacked by a group of other sea creatures and then these other group of sea creatures came out of nowhere and protected me. The sea creatures that helped me looked like sharks but they teeth were HUGE and I can not remember how the other sea creatures looked that tried to attack me. We was deep under the ocean, The ocean was big dark and scary and it looked like some type of large object was under us, like a ship that had Sunk under water and the creatures was using it as a home now. That’s all I got and I woke up. I don’t understand that Dream at all
My dream has so many layers that it’s hard to decipher.
From what I remember…
I was on a cruise ship which first looked like a casino and looked as though I was on land. I then am in my room on the cruise ship and there’s something wrong with the bed. The size is too small and I keep trying to make it better for my niece who’s 8. This is the only part of my dream she is in. I want to make it more comfortable for her as all I can focus on are the Metal springs. Then I am at a “side door” of the ship. About mid-level from bottom to top. You open this door and it is just a drop. People are jumping off for fun because the boat isn’t moving. It looks like a lot of fun and the water looks nice and not to deep. I see ppl laughing and sun, blue skies. I get ready to jump too. Then it’s like I have already jumped and I see the water isn’t clear and there are off shellfish and small creatures that scare me. (In waking life I like to collect shells and look for cool things and I think I wanted to do this). After “seeing” this, I decide I can’t jump. I return back to the main areas of the ship and i just see old style green casino rooms with deep green carpets and fancy glass everywhere. But it’s kind of dark like an overcast. I wake up.
I had a dream I was in a raft type boat with myself my significant other a good friend of mine over ten plus years and one of his good friends anyways I remember knowing in my dream i was in the ocean and at first I was calm trying to enjoy going out into the water until I realized the type of “ boat” we were in wouldn’t be suitable for the water then I instantly remembered if I was in the ocean there would be sharks and it was almost as if me thinking about it and being afraid brought the sharks quicker but then two huge killer whales appeared suddenly and there was one beneath and one right at the side next to me and at first I was afraid but then I remember suddenly seeing a bunch of dolphins appear from below and all around us and almost keeping the sharks at bay and then I reached out and touched the killer whale as if to pet it .. I do remember making direct eye contact with the whale and then getting this feeling to back away and put my arm back and I just kept trying to tell everyone we need to get to this dock because the boat was deflating and I felt myself beginning to panic like I felt something bad was coming soon but something good also if that makes sense … this is how I’ve felt in my waking life very at peace but freaking out at the same time .. and inner war per say and I def feel a “ rebirth” trying to happen ., any suggestions ideas?? Thoughts ??