BIG news! (as big as it gets, actually)

When hosting the Dream Mirror at Danish Radio 4, I interviewed esteemed dream scientist and lecturer Deirdre Barrett (Harvard University) for one of our shows. This interview turned out to be the beginning of something truly magnificent:
I am excited to announce that Deirdre and I have now teamed up with the aim of bringing the power of nocturnal dreams to the corporate world. Deirdre is also President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD), and she is chief editor of “Dreaming”, a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by American Psychological Association. In short; she is a huge capacity in the world of dreams / dream research.
Deirdre has among other things carried out a very cited study on the effectiveness of dream incubation (proactively asking your dreams to work on a given problem, work-related or personal, following simple steps) – with 50% of participants within a week dreaming of the problem they incubated upon. She has published many books, one of them “The Committee of Sleep” containing more than 100 scientific discoveries, inventions, and artistic creations coming out of (recalled) dreams.
Extremely creative problem solving, through increased dream recall, or through dream incubation, is one of many areas where the corporate world is (big time!) missing out by not utilizing the immense power of dreams.
(UPDATE – we did get selected! So the below is no longer relevant)
One of our initiatives is the aim of doing talks on dreams at large (business) conferences (like the ones I have been doing at workplaces for some years now). One such upcoming conference is the SXSW conference in Texas/US, March next year. BUT – we need your help in us getting up on that stage.
Topics for the conference are chosen partly based on a voting system – and we need your vote! All you need to do is register (name and e-mail) at the below website (free and no strings attached) – and vote for our talk!
So – we hope that you want to help us help the corporate world utilize the power of dreams. You register and cast your vote (pleeeease) by clicking this link:
Best – Deirdre and Michael
P.s. below videos were part of the submission process, Deirdre’s Ted Talk, and my own video made specifically for this selection process (who knows, I might be standing on that red Ted dot one day too 🙂 ).
Deirdre’s TED talk
My own video (part of SXSW submission process)