Dreams about killing, murder, shooting others – what do they mean? (dream interpretation killing, murder)

Dream interpretation killing, to kill, murder. Dreaming that you are killing other people might mean many things. Those you kill could symbolize something in yourself that you can’t or won’t approve of (realise about yourself) or something you’d like to get rid of. Most will tell you however, that this simply isn’t possible. At best, you can be aware of these sides of yourself and work on accepting them in order to control them better.
It might also be the case that there’s an internal battle between different sides of you. For example, the “nice” man/woman is battling a more rough/straight forward/shameless side of yourself. In this way you might see another person (representing the “nice” version of you), hitting another person (representing the more rough or shameless side of you).
You might also dream about killing your parents. To a lot of people this will seem very intense and very difficult to understand at first. Why would I want to kill my own parents? In this case, you might ask yourself if you have any reason to be angry or upset with them. Maybe there is something in your relationship with your parents that has yet to be dealt with – something you haven’t spotted that would give you a reason to be (unconsciously) angry with them even though you normally think your parents have been nothing but “good”.
When trying to understand your dreams it is important to know that your dreams are… your dreams. As such, you are the best person to figure out the true meaning of your dreams.
However, it is important to learn how to generally approach your dreams. Dream dictionaries like this one are only a supplement, and if you want to fully utilize the potential of your dreams, you should start at a different place.
My online course “Unlock your DREAMlife” gives you a great foundation for understanding (and recalling) your dreams.
Similarly, you might dream that you are killing your children. Of course, this is out of proportion to real life, but again, you might ask yourself, hypothetically, is there any reason you’d somehow wish your children weren’t here right now? I’ve coached several people with this exact dream. They felt angry about having had children too early in life with the result of a “ruined” youth. In daily life, this translated into being excessively strict with their children (often telling them off for example, where this is not appropriate), and in the language of dreams this translated into killing the children.
In an internal interpretation, the dream might also symbolize killing your own “inner child”. In other words, you are not accommodating this (vital) part of yourself – the ability to let go, to let your hair down, to be curious and open. If you are killing another (maybe unknown) child, this may illustrate the same, but it might also symbolize that you are suppressing a part of yourself. This part could be anything: your musicality, your inner geek, or your inner square dancer – whatever the child could symbolize!
If you are dreaming that you are killing other people, this may symbolize that something in you does not want you as you are or that you would like you to see yourself differently – for better or for worse! Perhaps it is better that you “die” (that your current personality dies) in order for something else – something better – to appear (see also the blog post on Death). The dream might also be an image of a very self-destructive side of yourself that is making life difficult for you. Finally and as a further external interpretation, the dream might also be a real person in your life who wishes bad things for you.
Dream dictionaries are a very helpful tool when interpreting dreams. However, generally learning how to approach your dreams, will give you a better foundation for understanding them. My online course “Unlock your DREAMlife” teaches you how to much better utilize – recall and understand – your dreams.
Also read: Why I no longer interpret dreams for free
Best, Michael
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NOTE: Dream interpretation isn’t always easy, and when you are dreaming about killing other people, it will most likely mean something different for you than for others with the same dream. For instance the people in your dream will be different from other people’s dreams. A good indicator of your interpretation being correct is if you strongly feel it applies to you – deep inside of yourself.
I had a dream where I was in a broke down apartment my mom, a few kids, and my sister and then gun shots started going the walls, killing others and my sister and then they sprayed fog or gas into the apartment trying to kill everyone inside. I found a way to escape with my mom but my sister was already dead. Please explain what this means.
i had a dream that i stabbed a girl to death with a axe in the car in a save a lot parking lot and got away with it. (can someone tell me what that means)
I have many dreams where I am killed. Mostly by guns. When Im shot it feels very real. The area where I am shot feels very hot, burning. I can also feel the impact, and the bullet going into my body.
Sir I had a dream that someone has killed my father and uncle and was trying to kill my mother too . My mother was pregnant that time . I fought for her and got injured so much . At last I begged for my mother’s life . What does this mean ?
Thank you for posting interpretations for us. It helps alot
iv’e been having dream and visons of me killing people for a week now i mean it doesn’t scare me but the one i had last night it was me with a couple of my old friends and we are at a arcade and i shot one in the head when my favorite anime character appeared his name is Makoto Yuuka other known as ” Sniper Mask ” from High Rise Invasion and in the other parts we were killing lots of people with shots to the head and my gun stopped working and another person dressed as Mr Mask ( who i was trying to kill ) grabbed my gun and pulled a different one and said something like ” the FBI doesn’t even give her the right gun smh ” and im like ” what ?? ” and he grbas me and takes me inside a helicopter and we flew off and he gave me a new gun and told me to aim for smeone head and i did and shot and killed them without hesitation in my heart and i didn’t feel any different and usually i do inside my dreams but i din’t at all .
I had a dream a while back that I was running and one of my relatives was trying to kill us. She ended up stabbing my father in his chest and the blade went right through. Somehow, he was still alive. And when I told my mom what happened to my dad after he was stabbed, she brushed it off. This seriously has to be one of the most confusing dreams I’ve ever had.
I had a dream where I was in this apartment building room and I was in the bathroom. I had a vision of my dad shooting these men and suddenly he disappeared and I found the gun. These two men were trying to get to me and I was shooting them in the head but they kept getting back up. Finally I got one and I tried to kill the other man but he kept staying alive. I was shooting him in the head and finally I was out of bullets and he was still alive. He was up walking and everything. He said he was going to call police and he did and I just sat there yelling help help I’ve been kidnapped. What does this mean?
I had a dream where I was in this house with my family, it wasn’t ours but my mom was looking for someone/something so we were helping her. There was a woman and three kids in the house and then suddenly this guy pulled up and started yelling at us and then a few more came out and they all had guns. We told them we weren’t going to hurt any of his family but he was mad. He came into the house and ran at me and my sister so I grabbed a knife off the counter and started stabbing him. Specifically in the eye. This wasnt the first dream I’ve had where I either stabbed or poked someone’s eye out with my fingers because they were trying to hurt me. In my dream where I was being held captive I escaped right before they were about to kill me but I had to go back and save someone so I ended up killing a lot of people.
I had a dream I shot 6 people and killed them. Later on police were looking for the murderer and I was so scared to go to jail and envisioned my children all grown up the next time I saw them. I expressed my fear of going to jail to my husband and he replied “and you think I’m not scared of you going to jail” later that day we took the kids out to dinner and there was a note on the door from a detective asking if I could give him a call. This dream felt so real and I have never been so happy to wake up.
I had a dream, where I was in a auditorium with 50-100 people, I was giving a speech that went on about how they were going to die and the doors were all locked so it was pointless trying to escape. I had a huge smile on my face almost laughing. And I picked out one person to be my number one victim, they had large eyes popping out of their head, pale skin shivering in complete terror that’s when I started to laugh. I then went to my escape route and before I left I pushed a button that released toxic chemicals into the air wiping out everyone but me, as I climbed onto a helicopter I started to laugh then I woke up. What does this dream mean
I had a dream about killing about 5-6 people with a gun and drowned one person under water in the same dream. What’s the meaning ?
i had a dream where I killed 6 people, I shot 4 people with a pistol, impaled 1 with a object (can’t remember it) and stabbed another person with a knife. I covered it up later with my friend who was in the killing with me (she was giving me the guns and weapons) there was blood everywhere so it was difficult, there was blood stains on the bed and I left the knife and impaling object there,
Idk what this means but I have a dream where I was killed by my parents. What do this mean?
I had a dream it was i think my brother in the corner of are house and a girl i dont really like was holding a gun at us so my dad i think grabs the gun and places it in are cabnit but she sees it and then walks into are kitchen and then we get into a fight and then i grab her head and repeaedly slam her head onto the table until she was dead and their was blood everywhere so yeah
I had a dream where I was in a place Idk how to describe it but I killed 17 people complete strangers and i was walking with a friend dragging a woman’s body behind me as the back of her skull and teeth were bashed in and i saw a cop and gave him the body and I talked to a close family friend and told them I deliberately killed 17 people with a smile on my face and after that I woke up suddenly but no sweats or anything I just woke up
Once I had a dream where I was on my dad’s back picking berries off a bush. Then this guy with a machete riding a pig slices his neck open. I retrieve my mom but there’s nothing she can do. I was SIX when I had this dream, it was very vivid. Any ideas?
So, I had a dream where I was a 2-hour car ride away from home at the airport. I realized I left my luggage at home. so I ran home in about 2 seconds. When I was grabbing my bags I got hot so I took off EVERYTHING except my jacket. I then went back to the airport and I just have my jacket on. I walk down the steps and a boy (I’m a female) sees my private and I run to get on the plane. They call security on me and I lose my jacket. They take off w/o me. So, I join this group of other naked people and we swim through the ocean in winter. We start surfing under the ice and get stuck. I see a little island from under the water so we head that way. I try to break the ice with my head and it breaks. The last thing before I woke up was almost getting hit by an ice spike when I poked through. What does this mean?
So I had this dream where I was sleeping then I woke up(in my dream) and then I went upstairs into my houses kitchen and two people I know were sitting at a table, my old friend Mia who lives in Canada, and a guy friend named Tim from church, as soon as I sat down, my friend Mia got up to go to the bathroom for some reason I followed her, we were in the hallway and I guess we got into some argument and she pushed me, I caught myself, then I pushed her onto the ground and punched her again and again until her head was bashed in and she was dead, I realized what I did and ran out the door, then I woke up, I felt disturbed but also kind of calm, so I went back to sleep, I’m not a violent person at all to be honest. But then it was almost like the dream resumed and I was in the courtroom and the judge was in front of me talking about how I killed Mia, then he said that they were going to do a test to find out if she had s*x because they thought that I r*ped her(just so you know I am a female), but in my dream I only killed her, I said immediately that I didn’t (in real life when we were kids she touched me without my permission, but I never really had any feelings about that), apparently the test came out positive, and I said that Tim was there and he knows I didn’t r*pe her and then he said that I raped her, then suddenly this image of them having s*x together popped into my head, then it went away, then I ran out of the courtroom and I guess there was this big cliff and I jumped off of it but landed smoothly and I ended up in this gloomy looking abandoned town and I went through a house thinking that’s where I was going to live because it was so nice, there was electricity, this green house looking thing that was the dining room, there was a room full of rice?, everything was old looking but right as I was in the kitchen this big family comes in and I managed to get out somehow and they saw me wandering around through that green house thing and offered me to stay in the house, but I said I would take the house next to them. So they fed me and I felt like I was on the run the entire time, then I woke up again and you really won’t believe it but I fell asleep again and this time I was in this arcade sort of thing with someone I knew from school, everything was going smoothly at first then she started calling me a murderer, r*pist and some other stuff, then I left, some how I met this man and he lived in my abandoned house with me and the last thing I remember is me fixing some painting with him right beside me and I did not see this persons face.
Ok so I am 13 years old and I dream about my parents killing me bc they have tryed this before and I passed out one time bc my mom was chokeing me then all of. a sudden I saw all black and then I woke up outta nowhere a nd I saw her throwing my body in the air and then I just went back into my body and felt the pain of her beating me well to this day my moms daughter tryed to stab me 4 times. And she has poisoned 1 once and i passed out and woke up to me looking like. a zombie literally there were. Big black bags under my eyes and they were purple like a. a dark black purple i kept passing out and so yeah I am lucky to be alive but I have dreams of them beating me and stabbing me 😭