What does it mean to dream about babies and/or children? (dream interpretation baby, child)
Dreams about babies / children – what do they mean?
They’re often portrayed as cuddly and lovely little creatures, as in the picture – but what does it mean when we dream about babies and children? It can be about several things depending on our life situation, but often it is the potential, undeveloped sides of ourselves, or “priming” projects we are working on, to grow. However, there are several approaches to the dreams of babies and children.
A baby in a dream can be like an image on the new opportunity of a lifetime, a new side of the personality or a new project. Babies are the little creatures that can grow up to be all sorts of things. When we are in our dreams and see babies or children, an important interpretation can be: could this baby or child (in the dream) be an expression of a new project I not long ago let go of? Or is it simply sides of myself that I did not spot and which I should increasingly grow/develop?
I myself had a dream when I at a point in my career said yes to a job in the United States, about a woman who devoured hundreds of dead babies into a grave. It was for me a clear picture of how I closed down for other development opportunities by saying yes to the job.
Similarly, children and babies in your dreams can be pictures of opportunities for you to grow and develop – or not. Some psychoanalysts/therapists talk about the fact that we need to keep track of our inner kindergarten – the immensely many aspects of ourselves that would like to be addressed; we have to do our best to accommodate everyone – in the right quantities and at the right time.
When trying to understand your dreams it is important to know that your dreams are… your dreams. As such, you are the best person to figure out the true meaning of your dreams.
However, it is important to learn how to generally approach your dreams. Dream dictionaries like this one are only a supplement, and if you want to fully utilize the potential of your dreams, you should start at a different place.
My online course “Unlock your DREAMlife” gives you a great foundation for understanding (and recalling) your dreams.
Children and babies in dreams as reflections of our own childish sides.
Another angle of the presence of children (or babies) in our dreams are the direct forthright that they can be pictures of our own childish (baby-like) sides.
If you dream of a child who behaves unreasonably and may not accept the “framework and structures” that are being foisted on him/her, even then, a good question would be whether you might sometimes, in an almost childish manner, excuse yourself over the inevitable requirements and frameworks such as your work, or your new life as a mother/father etc. But that is not to say that having childish sides is a negative thing.
Perhaps we unconsciously restrain a positively “childish” approach to life in ourselves – such as it could be an indication of a tremendous openness towards others, towards the ones who can see the fun in almost anything, those who think and act more freely, etc. These are good “childish” qualities. It is important to know how “the child inside you” thrives. So as always in dream interpretation, it is important that you go see the dream from several angles.
The importance of the child’s age.
In addition to the above, there are some very interesting meanings of the child’s age in dreams. The child’s age in the dream can be a picture on the age of a project you have launched/started (for example, a two-year-old child as an image of the store that was opened two years ago, or the relationships you initiated two years ago). Another very important aspect to the child’s age can be that it also reflects the age you were when something important (perhaps traumatic or intense) happened to you in your life.
Dreams of babies and children in pregnant women.
For the record, I should also mention here that it is perfectly natural and supported by research that pregnant women dream immeasurably more about babies and children than non-pregnant women.
Have you had a dream about babies/children that you would like to share? Or have you interpreted a “baby dream” you’ve had and reached an exciting interpretation? Then do comment in the field below.
Dream dictionaries are a very helpful tool when interpreting dreams. However, generally learning how to approach your dreams, will give you a better foundation for understanding them. My online course “Unlock your DREAMlife” teaches you how to much better utilize – recall and understand – your dreams.
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Also read: Why I no longer interpret dreams for free
NOTE: Dreams are 100% individual, and when you dream about babies or children, it’s almost certainly about something else for you than it is for your friend, who also dreamed of babies or children. Dream interpretation is sometimes a difficult art, and a particular interpretation of a dream is only correct if you feel “affected” by it. Therefore, it is not certain that the above mentioned interpretations are relevant to you.
The dream started off so sweet and cute, I came to visit this 12 year old kid to play pretend, we were having fun and we played until nightfall, I flew into the air but then I slowly fell down until I softly landed, this was when it got creepy and really bad, as I left the 12 year old kids home, these creepy animatronics that were malfunctioning in the most creepiest way, some’s eyes were bleeding at bare minimum but the ones malfunctioning the most their eyes looked really weird, changed shape and eventually turned completely black and started bleeding too, they started chasing me down and they even put traps for me, I did not realize that the 12 year old kid was also following me until he was guiding me through the haunted area, he told me to be careful with the traps because the animatronics seemed to be appear right behind you every time you get trapped, and I accidentally was not careful, and yeah they actually appeared right behind me, after that I was traumatized and finally got my foot unstuck because my foot was underneath the trap and not in it thankfully, as we were running we found a way out, even I could not goof off with the thing but I did exactly that and again the animatronic appeared behind me and I ran off even more, and then I woke myself up because that was way too creepy for me to handle.
I dreamt of children singing a praise song to me and ended it with “We love you”.
Then I ordered some biscuits at a shop for them feeling happy for what their did.
Any interpretation for it
I dreamed of a little girl that I somehow knew was searching for her daddy. I saw her features very clearly and I had deep live and compassion for her. She held my pinky finger. We walked inside a building and I gave her over to a man I thought was her father. Interestingly, my own father, who passed away just before my wife miscarried, immediately preceded the introduction of this little girl in my dream.
Later in the dream I’m in a different location and hear “Daddy!” I look down and the little girl is back looking up at me. The dream ends.
It was incredibly vivid, and I never have vivid dreams. Vivid enough that I became emotional after waking up. In my mind and in my wife’s mind it was connected to her miscarriage. I have never “felt” what she felt over the loss, and now I feel quite emotional about it in a way that has helped me understand my wife. I don’t know if more interpretation is required, but that dream was a deep and spiritual blessing.
Dreaming children playing outside my home and I open the door to call them but dint nit response I chase them away
I had a dream of a 2 or 3 year old boy wrapped in a papoose with images of no legs or just being bound too tight that his legs were not free to move until I really focused
on this child. And then all of a sudden his legs appeared to be loosing this type of binding around his lower body and 1 leg was almost free and the other was moving and kicking around still under the pappoose,
I had two separate dreams. One was in the morning 20 minutes before I got up and was about my 8 year old son playing in my room while I was sleeping and in the dream I woke up to turn around to tell him off but couldn’t move or even speak. Seconds later I woke up for real and nobody was there. The second dream was the night after the first dream and was about a baby that wasn’t mine. In the dream I wake up to the sound of the baby crying and I turn around and comfort the baby at first but then realise while still dreaming that it’s a dream and I tell the baby to go away. The baby in the dream then gets up and walks through a closed door like a ghost and then I wake up again.
I dream of 4 kids all were boys playing around but the fourth kid was the youngest but also fiercest among the rest but still play together (the 4 boys were under 10yrs old though) I don’t understand the dream or what it meant? I’m scared, fear lies in me and I can’t help it I need answers……
I always see children in my dream especially when I am ovulating. I will be holding them but later they will go away from me. Please I need solution
i had a dreams for 3 babies boys about 2 or three years old just came to my place and i take care off them just a few hours what is that mean?
What does it mean when you never dream about 1 of your children. I have 4 kids but i have never had a dream with my youngest in it. Shes now 4 years old. My oldest son also has never had a dream with her in it as well.
I had a dream where there were 2 babies in a car seat and they were “mom”,”mommy” while they were sleeping what does that mean
One dream my boyfriend bought four kids home and left them there with me last night I dreamed I named my child assuming it was mine D’Curtis O’Brian after my dead father and brother and my nephew . I can’t have anymore kids .
I keep having a dream that suddenly I’m holding a baby around 10 month old and is so beautiful but it is not not my child nor am I pregnant. I have no idea who’s baby it is but feel warm and connected to the baby like I want to bring the baby up as my own regardless of who’s baby it is. Do you know what this could mean?
Dreamed about entering the home of deceased grandmother (she let me in and walked to a rocking chair and sat down) she started of looking healthy and then she started looking really fragile and sick… so i went and hugged her and started crying as I was leaning over hugging her, then all of a sudden it’s like she went from my grandmother in a rocking chair to a baby in a bassinet… and I was crying over the baby.
Someone had a dream of me carrying my gf’s son on my back and her walking with/behind us
I had a dream that smone has raped 6 months baby girl and left it for dying in extreme cold. I saw and scolded tht person and i was trying save life of tht child..
What u think what does in mean??
I had a dream around 2 am I dream about a child who was at the back of my bedroom door sitting and when I Go lifting his face up the face appeared to be the face of my five years old son and when I lift him up the height and weight it’s exactly my son And i shouted God why you doing this to me , am living away from my son because of work reason the dreams seem so real to the point was scared and I had to wake up and switch the lights in my room to see if it’s true if my son he his real there please please translate for me
I had a dreeam tht my two friends were showing me their beautiful 3 months old babies..but these babies were already walking.They were so beautiful.
Dreaming about many children always visiting your house to watch TV in your bedroom and your child who is older than them letting them in to watch alone unchecked.
I dreamed that i was with my mother, and my late niece and her kid. I was carryng a 2 or 3year old kid who was mine, i escorted my late niece into a taxi, opened the car door for her n closed. and In real, i do not have a small kid, but av wanted to have one. I have one kid who is In her 20s. I Wonder what the dream means.