Dreams about the end of the world – what do they mean? (dream interpretation end of the world, nuclear war, earthquakes)
Dream interpreation end of world (nuclear war, earthquakes). When the world ends in your dreams it might, quite simply, be a symbol that the world as you know it right now is ”ending”. Dreaming about the end of the world (or nuclear war or earthquakes) is common, especially if you have just been fired, is going through a divorce, or are experiencing intense events that shakes you to your core. Events that change the way you see yourself, your life, your world. You come to understand that the world is no longer, as you have understood it so far.
However, you might also dream about the end of the world in calmer periods of your life. In these situations, the dreams may reflect an upcoming or even a long overdue change in your perception of yourself or of the world. Typically, the dreams are accompanied by a great – and maybe inexplicable – sadness in your waking life. Something within you is about to acknowledge that your current way of being, living and thinking is outdated or inadequate. In other words, in order to develop, you have to strongly reassess your worldview, your life and your fundamental assumptions. To say goodbye to what you know – the worldview that has been a part of you for a long time – may bring about great sorrow, which might help explain your otherwise inexplicable sadness.
In this way, the end of the world, nuclear war and earthquakes in dreams may be seen as omens of big changes to come. For example, you might have the dream at a point in your life where you start to think about what you have learned about yourself, your life, and the way you think. Has it all been wrong? Or your unconscious mind may have registered the first steps of bigger changes in yourself as well as “outside” of yourself (i.e. your waking life, maybe your relations to others) that you might not have acknowledged yet.
When trying to understand your dreams it is important to know that your dreams are… your dreams. As such, you are the best person to figure out the true meaning of your dreams.
However, it is important to learn how to generally approach your dreams. Dream dictionaries like this one are only a supplement, and if you want to fully utilize the potential of your dreams, you should start at a different place.
My online course “Unlock your DREAMlife” gives you a great foundation for understanding (and recalling) your dreams.
Also read: Why I no longer interpret dreams for free for a more in-depth explanation.
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NOTE: Dream interpretation isn’t always easy and when you dream about the end of the world, it is almost certainly about something else for you that it was for others who have had the same dream. It is central that you feel affected by the given interpretation. Most often, the only person who can say if an interpretation is right or not is the person who had the dream.
I had this very strange dream , my partner and I were on this ship/boat and the waves were intense throwing the boat everywhere . Then it’s skipped to us being in this hotel-ish place on the cliff of this beautiful beach , ocean front ,. But then it got really dark and stormy . The ground and hotel started rocking back
And fourth like earthquakes. Everyone there was holding on to dear life , in fear that we would slide off to the ocean . I knew this was it but I was calm and ready to face the challenge. The place was rocking so much waves were crashing through the windows . The tide was crashing and pulling things back to the ocean . We shared the boarder to a different country where I was trying to escape to get away from this crAzy weather but I kept coming back to check on my partner . There are more details but this sums it up .
Hi last night I dreamed about the world ending like hugh nuclear explosions were just wiping everyone out, everyone including myself was evaporated then I woke up, I pray every night I haven’t attended church in over a year, I’m just out a 8year abusive relationship he’s in prison and is due out, I’d lost my house my confidence, he controlled my every move, to who I spoke to and what to eat it’s been 5months he’s been in prison and is due out in 2months he can’t write, approach, or call me for 2years , I had to move house, I’m now volunteering in a pub getting my confidence back slowly, I woke up terrified this morning as my dream was so real, but after reading about it on here it makes total sense thanks for convincing me the world isn’t away to end x
Chade martin says:
August 10, 2020 at 09:08
Reply :
bomb explode 3 times or only single time ?
earthquake 3 times or only single time, in my opinion you seen 3 time earthquake and the 2nd time more powerful earthquake, 1st and 3rd is low power earthquake?
i am 15 not long ago i had a dream or i rather should say a nightmare about a sudden war i was in my dream turned on the tv to see the message ab theres about to be a bonm falling that will wipe almost everyone on earth i could hear every air alarm go off
looked up and saw the bomb drop about 20 km away it hit the ground i though it was fine to later see a flash of light coming at me and waking up in my broken house looking outside everything burning blood everywhere than a purge started to survive the people left alive would kill eachother slowly
eventually when i got found in my dreams i was stabbed thrue my chest waking me up in terror
Last night I dreamed that my husband and I were riding on a city bus in an unfamiliar city. It was very hilly with lots of old buildings. We were sitting in the middle of the bus. All of a sudden, my husband got up and walked to sit at the front of the bus (still facing me). I was confused and wasn’t sure why he changed seats. I contemplated joining him or letting him sit on his own for a bit. While considering this, the bus started shaking and I realized there was an earthquake. The bus started falling (for reasons unknown) and I was suspended in air. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to make it. I was very calm. It dawned on me at that moment that my husband had probably changed seats intuiting the earthquake and was in a safer spot on the bus for the quake/fall. I woke up before I could find out whether my husband or I made it out alive.
I had similar fallout dreams. Maybe a fallout will happen in 2021? I do not wish to post my dreams since it gives power to it. Do not give power to them if you don’t want to fear them.
But yes, similar fallout dreams. Nothing is happening around me that is changing my actual personal life.
Hi I dreamt of a nuclear bomb going off and there was 3 minutes to go til the end but I was trying to reach my boyfriend but I couldn’t get to him because he was to far away in the distance to reach before the 3 minutes was up.
What does this mean
I had a dream that i was standing in my garden and suddenly a horrific sound comes with a horrific earthquake and the light of sun was so bright that i can’t see anything then i woke up and on the next day i had the same dream with minor changes and on the other day i had the same dream again but this time i was standing in my garden with my whole family and that same sound came again with a horrible earthquake but this time i didn’t awake that quickly i was actually able to see more of it then after the earthquake a helicopter landed in front of me many soldiers came out and killed me and my whole family
I am suffering from this strange dream please help that sound is so horrific that i can’t even think about it
This dream feels like a trauma but i don’t think so I’m having any issues in my real life
My dream tonite was me on the edge of a building with 2 people I knew. One of the people I knew looked and said “what is that in the sky”? As I looked over I seen a huge cloud of smoke.. I said “ that’s a nuclear bomb.. when I said that they went off back to back. I called my wife and told her to leave work,… she was fussing and said she wasn’t leaving work.. at this point I jump into a totally different dream with her in the car and everyone in the street rioting… I woke up out of one dream… then the next… then blank… then I finally woke up and didn’t know if I was still dreaming or not. This is the 2nd time this has happened to me and I get to where I can’t hardly sleep anymore.
Hi Cheston, thank you for your comment & dream! Did you read the blog-post above? Is there anywhere in your life where big changes are on their way? Or are you afraid of losing what you have? Since I don’t know much about you, it is hard to speculate what the dream might be about. Best regards – Michael (you can always consider taking my online course “Unlock your DREAMlife” – this will provide you with the tools and the questions you can ask yourself about the dream – in order to arrive at a meaningful interpretation). Best regards – Michael
So in my dream I felt sad about what I lost specifically my computer lol, I want to become a big streamer soon and am gaining followers fast so maybe that’s related in a way. My body isn’t trying to tell e I shouldn’t do it but now that I have a possible job, I’m just experiencing those dreams.
I dreamed I was with my 2 boys … Missing my lottle girl. Saw a nuclear bomb HUGE!!! Pass right by us HUGE!!! We saw it hit super far out and all I saw was a big wave. The wave hit us hard alot of people were in it. We survived. Then we saw a lot of military planes let go of multiple bombs. The wave came back and I could not hold one of my kids. The end I was walking down tall stairs with survivors.
I’ve had a dream last night where at first everything was so happy and beautiful, and the sky turned red, everything was on fire I couldnt help save my family. Does this mean I’m having an awaking?
I dreamt that I only heard sirens go off and my entire family had evacuated to somewhere, around a day or so I had friends still on the surface so I had FaceTimed them, they had dropped their phone and I just heard a bomb explode, I then felt a powerful earthquake and it only went silent, that’s when my dream ended, I’m still absolutely terrified as almost all my dreams become a dejavu and I actually experience or see a moment of it
I had a dream I was watching nuclear bombs all around me go off. Planes were falling out of the sky, it was pure chaos. I kept asking if I was dreaming and everyone kept telling me no, I kept trying to get everything in order but nothing was working. And then again, more mushroom bombs.
Hello yesterday i dream about the nuclear war and it causes earthquake and crack in earthsurface i was jumping from one building to other
I belive in dream so i m so much frightened please help me
I had a dream about a nuclear war over and over again and each time I had to watch a clock countdown from 13 minutes or I had to get somewhere within 1 minute like I was rushing to get to safety ,in some of the dream there was certain places u could survive I would go there then realise I didn’t want to survive but each time nothing happened and Then I was in a room with loads of chairs and the clock was counting down from 13 minutes again then once it counted down the bomb went off and the dream finished but in between all this other stuff happened and I can’t really remember it enough to explain
I dream about trying to survive after everything/everyone is gone like scavenging. Or like bombs going off and war ending the world.
Hi Holly – what a wild dream! I assume you read the blogpost which hopefully helped you get an idea of the possible meaning(s) of this dream. You could ask yourself; despite the dream being awkward and “crazy” (unrealistic) – how might it still portray something of relevance to my waking life? (inner and outer life) – best regards – Michael
I always dream about surviving the end of the world. Every night I dream about surviving just trying to survive
Hey I dreamt about that It was a girl and a guy in my dream it was very loud sound outside and she say to Mi is that war and then down the guy was crying and me I was just surprised and then I saw the flames and then we died And then I search for this sorry I’m not good at English