Use your sleeping intelligence
(your nocturnal dreams)
- and REVOLUTIONIZE your innovation!

Every night your sleeping intelligence comes up with wildly creative sotutions to your work related problems. Unfortunately most of those solutions are simply lost, as most of us are no longer able to recall our dreams. This talk teaches you how to easily re-establish contact to your sleeping intelligence (which is more than just documenting your dreams) - and how to proactively ask your dreams to work on a specific problem, and wake up with an answer!

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Please notice: Content of the talk can be tailored to your needs.

Are you fully utilizing the power of your dreams for innovation and problem solving?

If not, you are most likely every day (!) losing some of the very best ideas thought out by your very own brain – without even knowing it!

Some of the greatest ideas and inventions through time have come out of RECALLED nocturnal dreams. If you are not in the habit of consciously utilizing your sleeping intelligence (i.e. currently not able to recall your dreams), most of the ideas thought out by your sleeping intelligence are simply lost, as most of them will never reach consciousness.

Google is partly the result of a nightly dream that Larry Page (Google co-founder) had – a dream in which he dreamt of the underlying technical solution of Google. And the list of innovations and creative solutions coming out of recalled nocturnal dreams is extremely long.*

Do you want to continue losing some of the best solutions and ideas at your workplace, or do you want to start utilizing the immense power of your dreams?

As an example, the talk can cover the following topics (and can always be adjusted):

  • What we know about dreams from most recent science (e.g. : yes, it does make sence to tune in on them)
  • Dream incubation: How you can proactively ask your dreams to work on a given problem – and receive an answer the same night (a study at Harvard Medical Schol found that 50% of those trying this method for the first time woke up with a dream providing them with a solution to the problem they went to sleep with – without ever before having paid attention to their dreams.**
  • How the use of your unconscious intelligence – and understanding your nightly dreams – leads to extremely creative problem solving, better decisions, better relations with your co-workers, as well as a natural increase in productivity.***
  • What you can do to become better at recalling your dreams – which is more than just writing them down. We all dream 2 hours every night, but we often don’t recall them because of a collective underestimation of their value (kids are exorbitantly good at recalling their dreams, but learn – through their parents – to ignore and thus forget them, as found in dream socialization research).

*E.g. Barrett, D., “The Committee of Sleep: How Artists, Scientists, and Athletes Use Their Dreams for Creative Problem Solving-And How You Can Too”, Oneroi Press.

**Barrett, D., Dreaming Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993, The “Committee of Sleep”: A Study of Dream Incubation for Problem Solving

***See Hill, Dreaming, Volume 23(1), March 2013, 1–45 – among others.

About Michael R Olsen

Michael Rohde is scientific researcher, awarded speaker, radio host and author in sleeping intelligence and nightly dreams. He has published two books (one of them a best-seller), and is awarded for his speaking skills.

Michael holds a bachelor in psychology (Lund University), an MBA (Copenhagen Business School), and is currently researching dreams and unconscious intelligence in collaboration with Lund University. He was awarded the prestigous Berlingske Newsmagazine's (Danish business magazine) talent prize for his abilities as speaker and trainer. He has been featured in many TV- and radio shows as well as publications on sleeping intelligence. He is an extremely competent speaker and his energy, humor and wit, motivate many to use their unconscious intelligence to a much higher degree.