Use your unconscious intelligence to navigate - and stand strong! - in an ever-changing world

During challenging times you can easily be overthrown by worry and feelings of uncertainty. There is a place within you that knows just how resourceful you are and what you are truly capable of. This place is your unconscious intelligence, expressed in the content of your nightly dreams. Learn how to access YOUR unconscious intelligence - and navigate through life with more certainty.

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Navigating challenging times by tuning in on your unconscious intelligence

When the winds of change are blowing, it is easy to be overthrown by fear and worry.

Utilize your unconscious intelligence and become better at navigating through challenging and difficult times.

I am good enough? Do I have what it takes? And – what will the future, and my career look like now that everything is changing?

These are questions many of us ask ourselves when our organization is being restructured or is implementing new processes, IT-systems etc. This is also highly relevant in the current situation, where the COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on our lives and everyday routines.

If we don’t deal with it, or talk about it during the day, it will be rummaging below the surface (in our subconscious), ultimately resulting in feelings of uncertainty, affecting everyone around us. It will also influence our mood, self-esteem and our performance.

There is a place deep within you that KNOWS what you are capable of (which is often more than you think). A place that simply knows how much you have to offer, and at the same time can help you navigate – and stand strong – through the changes life offers you.

This place is your unconscious intelligence, being expressed through the content of your nocturnal dreams (and no, it doesn’t require for you to be able to recall your dreams – learning how to do that is a part of this talk, and it is by the way more than just “writing your dreams down” – because what if there is nothing to write down?).

In this eye-opening talk you will learn how to tap into your own unconscious intelligence, and thus navigate through life with more ease and inner peace.


– Learn what unconscious intelligence is

– Learn how to utilize your own unconscious intelligence, and witness a whole new world reveal itself to you – a world giving you greater personal insight, higher self-esteem and better relationships with others (including your colleagues) – which btw. is something concluded by scientific dream research

– Stand strong and with more inner peace in what life offers you – and find the courage to life your life true to yourself (9 out of 10 regret on their death bed that they didn’t have the courage to live their life true to themselves – instead life had more been about living up to the expectations of others).

About Michael R. Olsen

Michael has a master of science in international business, a bachelor of psychology, and conducts scientific research in dreams in collaboration with Lund University. He has had a longer career within pharmaceuticals (American Eli Lilly), until a nightly dream made it very clear to him that he was in the very wrong career. Listening to the dream prompted a career-change into training and development, and Michael thus taught leadership and project management in the corporate world for a period of 5 years. Since 2012 Michael has been self-employed, and today makes his living through inspiring others into greater utilization of their unconscious intelligence. Michael is a strong communicator – which he has been awarded for several times. In 2015 he published the book ”How to understand your dreams”, and in 2020 the book ”Dreaming during pregnancy”.

About Michael R Olsen

Michael Rohde is a speaker author and scientific researcher in unconscious intelligence and nightly dreams. He published the book “How to understand your dreams” in 2015, in 2020 "Dreaming during pregnancy".

Michael holds a bachelor in psychology (Lund University), an MBA (Copenhagen Business School), and is currently researching dreams and unconscious intelligence in collaboration with Lunds University. He was granted Berlingske Nyhedsmagasin’s (Danish business magazine) talent prize for his abilities as speaker and trainer. He has been featured in many TV- and radio shows as well as publications on unconscious intelligence. He is an extremely competent speaker and his energy, seriousness and wit, motivate many to use their unconscious intelligence to a much higher degree.